Knowland Art

My work is a focus on ethnobotany and mysticism through the lens of South American native and Italian glassmaking culture. I enjoy cross contaminating my love of gardening and glass making to allow for an emphasis on how the land was never divided as it is on the map today. Glass came to the Americas by way of colonialism, and before colonialism the world wasn’t against singular oppression. We were all one, connected by the earth and sharing things of significance like plants and ideas.


My garden and the plants I grow all have historical significance to the regions that they are from, and in a sense I’m reaching back to the time when people shared more than just currency. When I can, I try to keep some of the oral traditions alive on caring for these miraculous plants and traditions. This directly parallels the demand on us to fold to our environment to make something novel occur like blowing glass.


Your support makes this dream a reality for me.


Thank you.

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